The Fullness of Life IV
Rights Life Today
Previous in series : The Threefold Social Idea
Changing Gears
So far in this series we've considered a new "threefold" way to look at natural phenomena ; and within this, an equally new way to look at social phenomena. Just because it's new, we'll return to this "threefold social idea" in each additional article, reviewing and restating from different points of view.
Next, having had a first look at ways society might become more healthy, it's right to also look at things that make it unhealthy. The next three articles will look at these factors in depth.
Stepping back to look at the form this series is taking, I notice with interest that I'm recapitulating, more or less, the progression of my own RN nursing training : first, before nursing school, scientific introduction to the human body (anatomy, physiology etc) ; first semester training, introduction to the tools, methods and way of thinking of the nurse. Second semester, massive introduction to pathophysiology, to disease processes and with what can go wrong with human health - and nursing strategies for all of them.
Second semester was dead serious for our instructors : disease is unforgiving, and they didn't want nurses in hospital who would harm patients. On other hand, our knowledge - both of disease, and what helps against disease - are the whole hope of nursing.
The next three articles are the "second semester" of this series on the threefold social idea. They concern the realest of real social problems today, and the pressing need for solutions, just exactly now. There can be transitions to solutions - but they'll take our full commitment, and very best attention.
The next articles in this series will serve a deeper understanding and future "practice" of the threefold idea : ways to transform a promising, systematic scientific idea into real world action !
Jeff Smith RN (Retired)
Next in series : Rights Life Today
Previous in series : The Threefold Social Idea
Changing Gears
So far in this series we've considered a new "threefold" way to look at natural phenomena ; and within this, an equally new way to look at social phenomena. Just because it's new, we'll return to this "threefold social idea" in each additional article, reviewing and restating from different points of view.
Next, having had a first look at ways society might become more healthy, it's right to also look at things that make it unhealthy. The next three articles will look at these factors in depth.
Stepping back to look at the form this series is taking, I notice with interest that I'm recapitulating, more or less, the progression of my own RN nursing training : first, before nursing school, scientific introduction to the human body (anatomy, physiology etc) ; first semester training, introduction to the tools, methods and way of thinking of the nurse. Second semester, massive introduction to pathophysiology, to disease processes and with what can go wrong with human health - and nursing strategies for all of them.
Second semester was dead serious for our instructors : disease is unforgiving, and they didn't want nurses in hospital who would harm patients. On other hand, our knowledge - both of disease, and what helps against disease - are the whole hope of nursing.
The next three articles are the "second semester" of this series on the threefold social idea. They concern the realest of real social problems today, and the pressing need for solutions, just exactly now. There can be transitions to solutions - but they'll take our full commitment, and very best attention.
The next articles in this series will serve a deeper understanding and future "practice" of the threefold idea : ways to transform a promising, systematic scientific idea into real world action !
Jeff Smith RN (Retired)
Next in series : Rights Life Today
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